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This author admin has created 122 entries.


On April 25-27 of this year, the first meeting seminar of the international Erasmus+ program 101082221-UzMedEn “Development of a new master’s program and training courses in the field of medical engineering in Uzbekistan” funded by the European Union was held at the International University of Chemistry in Tashkent. L.Niyazov, vice-rector for international cooperation from the Bukhara State Medical Institute, K.Abdullayeva, associate professor of the Faculty and Department of Hospital Therapy, Nephrology and Hemodialysis, U.Gapurov, assistant of the Medical Chemistry Department,

On April 26, a cultural and educational event was held at the Youth Center in Bukhara under the slogan “A COUNTRY THAT RESPECTS WOMEN”.

As part of the event, “Legal Counseling Corners”, free medical examinations, a labor fair for women, book and confectionary trade fairs, and a concert program were organized. The guest of the concert program – the curious Nodirbek Hayitov and pop singers gave the audience an upbeat quality. Female inventive scientists and active students of the Bukhara State Medical Institute participated in the cultural event with their exhibitions.

“REFERENDUM AND YOUTH” event was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute

On April 26 of this year, “Referendum and youth” forums are being organized in educational institutions with the participation of students and youth. In such forums, held in the form of a gala concert, the important political reality in our country – the importance of the referendum, the essence of the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is explained in detail to young people. Sherzod Rahmonov, deputy of the legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Classes and practice of students of the direction of traditional medicine in the new campus

The educational direction Traditional medicine at the Bukhara State Medical Institute was organized on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 10, 2020 No. PP-4668 “On additional measures for the development of traditional medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, and graduates of this bachelor’s degree will study and put into practice the methods of traditional medicine, proven in practice in terms of quality, safety and effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of

“Green energy” at Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino

It is known that in recent years, large-scale efforts to increase the scope of introduction of “green energy” have been carried out in our country. Today, the Bukhara State Medical Institute also contributes to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 70 adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, as well as to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Global Agenda until 2030. In August 2022, 100 kW solar panels producing alternative energy

Planting campaign continues within the national project “Yashil makon”

People who planted saplings and created gardens have been glorified in our nation since ancient times. If everyone plants a sapling, not only humans, but also animals and birds will benefit from it. As a person should pay attention to his home, he should treat his surroundings in the same way. Because the whole Earth is a place for people. It was emphasized that every organization and every citizen should find their place in this meritorious work. Accordingly, the students

The courage of our students in the “One million trees” action deserves appreciation

Nature protection has become one of the most urgent problems of today. A number of environmental problems, such as scientific and technical progress, various demographic processes, and global climate change, are of reasonable concern to the world community today. In this regard, large-scale reforms have been carried out in our country, and special attention is being paid to the issues of land and surface resources, flora and fauna, protected by a separate clause of our Constitution, as well as a number

National movement “Green space” in Bukhara state medical institute

As everyone knows, protecting our nature and increasing the green world has risen to the level of state policy. On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the month of planting saplings was started in our country within the national project “Yashil makon” (Green Space). Within the scope of this project, it was aimed to increase green areas, plant seedlings in the regions, organize greening and beautification works and events. It is planned to plant

Tree planting action on the new campus within the national project “Green space”

Planting seedlings and creating a garden is one of the ancient values ​​of our people. After all, thanks to the beautification and landscaping of the place where we live, our hearts will be filled with joy, and our lives will be happy and prosperous. At the same time, green trees in parks, streets and roadsides brighten up the surroundings, provide clean air, and fill our table with sweet and juicy fruits. These days, the employees of all organizations, institutions

“Green Chemistry” in the attention of scientists

On October 7-8, 2022, the republican scientific and practical conference with international participation “CHEMISTRY AND MEDICINE: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE” was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino. During the conference, were discussed the following scientific areas. 1. Issues of integration of chemistry and medicine in the context of modern research 2. Development and study of biological active inorganic and complex compounds, biomarkers 3. Synthesis and study of biological active compounds based on natural