Planting seedlings and creating a garden is one of the ancient values of our people. After all, thanks to the beautification and landscaping of the place where we live, our hearts will be filled with joy, and our lives will be happy and prosperous. At the same time, green trees in parks, streets and roadsides brighten up the surroundings, provide clean air, and fill our table with sweet and juicy fruits.
These days, the employees of all organizations, institutions and enterprises of our country are organizing the beautification and greening of the regions, and the planting of saplings. The main goal of such efforts is to appreciate the good qualities of our people, to instill goodness in the hearts of young people, to make villages, cities, and neighborhoods attractive.
Professors and teachers of the institute and young students also said “We will turn our country into a prosperous and green country!” under the slogan, contributed to the tree planting campaign on the territory of the new campus of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Our activities in SDG 15 are also linked to these other Sustainable Development Goals.